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Image by Chelsea shapouri

April 9: Maundy Thursday

Luke 22:7-23

Gather at the Table:

A Maundy Thursday Service with Holy Communion


Note: Before watching this video, gather together elements of bread and wine or grape juice (or a grape juice substitute of your choice) for communion. If you have the time and the ingredients, you may even choose to bake your own bread.


Having trouble viewing the video? Click here to download a paper copy of the sermon.

...and a little something extra for the kids!

Wanting more?


Let Us Break Bread Together (United Methodist Hymnal #618)

One Bread, One Body (United Methodist Hymnal #620)

"Bread" by Sarah Are

"After he had washed their feet...[Jesus] returned to the table." (John 13:12)
Jesus returned to the table, that simple common space,
Moving from water and undeserved grace
To bread that nourishes and sustains our place --
Two simple elements, no time to waste.

I should have known there would be water,
But of course there would be bread.
From the start of creation, God has tried to keep us fed --
Fed on bread and roses and love we don't notice.
I should have known there would be water,
But of course there would be bread.

I should have known there would be space
At the table for grace --
Space for nerves, and questions, and absent confessions;
Space for me and Elijah and Judas, without question.
I should have known there would be space,
But of course there would be bread --
For it started with manna, and all must be fed.

"This is my body, broken for you.
For you, five thousand;
For you, Israelite nation;
For you, child of the covenant;
Judas and Peter,
This is my body broken for you."

That simple phrase, paired with the food of the day,
Makes me human again - nourishes weak spots within.
It lifts me up and draws me back in --
Breathing life into bones that were weary and thin.

For it's easy to be so hungry for God
That God must appear in the shape of a meal,
Countering frailty, allowing me to heal.

So maybe that's why I come back to this space,
Because I know God will be here, offering grace.
And I need that bread in order to feel --
In order to see the kingdom revealed.

I should have known there would be water,
But of course there would be bread --
For I am hungry, and all must be fed.


Image by Olga Thelavart

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