What is the FUTURE of the United Methodist Church? How does United Methodism differ from other denominations and faith traditions?
The future of the U.M.C. is up to General Conference 2024 (Every 4 years) to determine and not limited to just the guiding theology of the church, the policies and procedures, but also ongoing concerns and differences of the roles of the LGBTQ+ community in Pastoral Ministry, as well as questions "to or not to" perform Same Sex Weddings. Various legislative proposals appear and are discussed every four years. (For Example: Restructuring Plans and Proposals, Annual Conference Realignments which influence District realignments; as well as the "Disaffiliation" process! This was a brief window of opportunity that some congregations and/or a Pastor choose to execute based on their beliefs. (If you did this process, a strict protocol to be followed. You and your Members are not required to vote to stay U.M. However, a number of conservatives, moderates, and liberals left and/or stayed. The process included a 2/3 vote of Members who showed up at a Charge/Church Conference. Payments are/were determined by your Annual Conference for property, benefits and procedures.
However, in the Book of Discipline it states that, "Homosexuality is incompatible with the Christian faith." However, this changed as of the recent General Conference in April of 2024.
Almost every U.M.C. is diverse in some ways with various feelings and beliefs on the current issues at hand. The interpretation of Scripture is and has been a discussion for some time, especially at our (yearly) 2023 Annual Conference. Everybody is valued and appreciated and to be saved sinners by the grace of God through faith - believing and accepting Christ into your heart, your life as Lord and Savior.
These Questions and Discussions have been uncharted for the last 3-4 years. The world has opinions. People in the U.M.C. has opinions. Bible college Leaders have opinions. I want you to be informed. However, with the sweeping changes, the current pastor is leaving July 25, 2024 and leaving the UMC. A new pastor should be appointed, and prayerfully, mid August.
I’m a parent with young children. What do I need to know?
You and your children are welcome and celebrated here!
Kids of all ages are always welcome in worship, and we know that wiggles and noise happen as a normal part of childhood. So first of all, RELAX! We are glad you are here.
We have “busy bags” of quiet activities for kiddos that your children may use during worship. If you do not see them, an usher can help you find them.
If you are in worship with your child and feel the need to leave the sanctuary, there is an un-staffed nursery and cry room upstairs, overlooking the sanctuary where you are welcome to accompany your child. You will be able to see and hear the service and your child can get out his or her wiggles.
What do I need to do if I would like to join the church?
The first step is to talk to our pastor. You may email Rev. Terry tbrosius@susumc.org or call him at 717-778-2666 to set up an appointment. He will meet with you and hear the story of your faith journey, and explain to you the basics of membership.
I will give you some light reading or attend a membership class to cover four pamphlets: About the Lord's Supper; About baptism; About Being a United Methodist; And About the History of the United Methodist Church, before you join the church, so that you may more fully understand the nuances of the faith that you are stepping into.
If you are transferring your membership from another United Methodist congregation, a form and letter will be sent to your previous church asking them to transfer your membership to Wenksville UMC or Bendersville UMC or Mt Tabor UMC or Mt Calvary UMC.
In both cases, you will be formally received into membership in a Sunday morning worship service.
I was baptized as an infant and don’t remember my baptism. I walked away from the faith and have recently returned, and I would like to be baptized again to signify this change in my life. What do I need to do?
In the United Methodist Church, we believe that baptism is an act of God, in which we are simply participants. As such, the work that God does in baptism happens once, and can never be un-done. We can walk away from our faith, but God remains present with us, whether we see and feel God’s presence or not.
Therefore, we do not rebaptize, as God’s work in baptism is already done. However, we would be delighted to celebrate with you and honor this phase of your journey through a Reaffirmation of Baptism – where you would reaffirm your baptismal vows. If this is something that you would like to consider, please talk to our pastor.