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United Methodist South Mountain Charge-Extended
Call Wenksville UMC: 717-677-8539 or Bendersville UMC: 717-677-4974
Welcome to Adams County, the heart of South-Central Pennsylvania's apple country!
From springtime blossom blessings to autumn apple festivals, we hope you will find a space of warmth and welcome as we seek to worship God together in community and to seek the presence of God in the bountiful world in which we live. Worship opportunities abound in this area, and we hope that you will join us at any of our local area churches as we worship, at Wenksville U.M.C., Bendersville U.M.C., Mt Calvary U.M.C., and Mt Tabor U.M.C. (Lay Speakers)! Thank you for so many who are on the Team!
9:00 a.m. Worship
Bendersville United Methodist
Bendersville, PA
8:00 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Wenksville United Methodist
Wenksville, PA
9:00 a.m.
Mt. Calvary United Methodist
Arendtsville, PA
9:00 a.m.
Mt. Tabor United Methodist
Gardners, PA
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